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Jewellery goes through a lot when its been lovingly worn and will require cleaning from time to time in order to retain its sparkle and shine. Your jewellery is made from a precious metal and precious or semi-precious stones and will require some care when cleaning. We recommend following the below steps. 



You can use a product designed specifically to clean gold jewellery. Otherwise you can use the following method at home to clean your jewellery, but remember gold is a soft metal - be gentle with it, especially during the brushing and drying processes.


Step 1. Mix a drop of baby shampoo (or phosphate-free dishwashing soap) in warm, not hot, water.


Step 2. Carefully and gently brush with a new, baby-size soft toothbrush.


Step 3. Place in a bowl of lukewarm water to rinse.


Step 4. Air dry or carefully towel-dry with a clean soft cloth.





You can use the above steps to clean your sterling silver item before polishing. Either using a specialist silver jewellery cleaning liquid or the at-home method.


To polish your sterling silver, we would recommend using a specialist silver polishing cloth to buff away any tarnishing. You can also apply a small amount of liquid silver polish to a soft cloth firmly buff the item, rinse well in clean warm water, then dry thoroughly with a clean soft cloth.



It is normal for sterling silver jewellery to tarnish, but there are some ways you can prevent it.

Tarnish happens as a result of silver jewellery being exposed to oxygen and sulfur particles in the air. So, to keep your silver from tarnishing, you can store it in a soft jewellery pouch bag or other airtight container such as a zip-lock bag. If you’re using a bag, be sure to remove all the air before sealing the bag. To prevent items from scratching one another, store each item individually.

If your item needs polishing to remove the tarnish use the method mentioned above.


Tip - Simply wearing your jewellery will prevent it from tarnishing! Oils in our skin can actually prevent silver from tarnishing. 


Please note: 

To avoid damage, silver jewellery should not be exposed to chemicals, such as chlorine. For this reason, it’s important to take off silver jewellery when you’re taking your little one into the swimming pool, or doing other activities that might harm it. When in doubt, take it off (but make sure to put it somewhere safe)!






To keep children safe whilst wearing our jewellery, we recommend that you follow these recommended safety guidelines:


​Items should only be worn for short periods of time and not exceed 24 hours.


Jewellery should not be worn overnight and always removed when sleeping. 


We recommend children under three (3) years of age be supervised at all times while wearing jewellery.


Many items of jewellery contain small parts and therefore present a choking hazard. Please regularly check that the jewellery is very securely fastened. 


We recommend that your child only wears our children’s earrings after the initial healing period has passed after piercing. 


Jewellery is not a toy and should not be worn for play. 


Do not let children put jewellery in their mouth. 


To ensure it doesn't become too tight for the child, your child’s jewellery needs to be replaced as they grow. Please do not allow them to wear an item that is too small for them.

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